Lead Paint Testing
Historically, lead was used as a pigment in paint with levels of up to 40% found in lead based paint.
Lead levels in paint were reduced in 1970 to 1%, further reduced to 0.25% in 1992 and then to its current level of 0.1% in 1997.
It is estimated that there are over 3 million homes that were built prior to 1970 that have been decorated with lead paint.
Lead poisoning can affect almost every system in the body. Even low levels of lead in a child's blood can cause subtle problems with behaviour and learning. Lead in paint can cause problems when it is chipping, peeling, or is removed. Even opening a window that previously had lead paint on it can release lead dust that can be inhaled or settle on hands and food. Some homes (old and new) may also have lead pipes or copper piping with lead solder that can allow lead to enter the tap water.
If you are planning on renovating an older house it is recommended that you get it checked for lead levels first.
Lead Paint Survey
Healthy Homes & Gardens offer a quick non destructive method for testing the paint in your home.
One of our qualified technicians can test a home in a little as 2 hours and you will receive a report stating which are the areas of concern in your household.
We can do up to 100 readings in this time saving up to 90% on the equivalent cost in the laboratory or colometric tests along with time savings of up to 3 weeks enabling you to get on with your DIY safely.
The Australian Government have released a booklet providing information regarding the risks of lead paint and how to deal with it called Lead Alert: The six step guide to painting your home in which Portable Spectral Services, Healthy Homes & Gardens parent company, is recommended as a portable XRF tester. To download this booklet please click on the booklet or pop into our office for a free copy.